Monday, January 2, 2023

Use proteomics technology around the home!


Happy New Year! 

I'm going to kick off 2023 by showing you my LEAST FAVORITE PHOTO OF 2022. This is a picture of an attachment on some excercise equipment that I have outside under my deck. This pretty lady and her bag of eggs were right by my face for a minute before I zoomed in on this picture and she had an unfortunate accident while I tried to carefully rehome her with an old aluminum baseball bat. 

Pug Mountain Vineyards is a spider friendly establishment but Latrodectus isn't a spider you mess around with when you have a 1 year old running around.  Fortunately, these spiders are well known to use ballooning to disseminate. They don't cluster in large populations. Any of her eggs that survived a very thorough removal process by myself and by a well compensated professional who came out twice would have only produced small spiders that would have moved on to nicer places THAN UNDER MY DECK. 

Obviously a small spider that I found on an uncharacteristically warm day right before the holidays that looked sort of like her would just be coincidental appearances. I've got bifocals and spiders are small. Just in case a tiny amount of it that remained from the unfortunate accident that befell that little organism, clearly wouldn't S-Trap out and show any Latrodec...tus....hesperus.... think I'm moving....but, hey! who said you couldn't come up with a practical application for proteomics! 

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