Thursday, July 22, 2021

Corrections on some TIMSTOF posts!

It has been 8 months since our TIMSTOF Flex was installed. I missed more than a month when my kid was born and I honestly can't remember since then until recently due to sleep deprivation, but it's starting to get a whole lot cooler around here. 

However, with 2 papers from the TIMSTOF  in review it's clearly working. Wiebke (pronounced close to Veebkeh) may even be integrating some clarifications into new software builds based on things that we've found very tricky to understand with the (3?? 3?) of these things we now have on campus since this Flex landed here in November. 

I'm going back over some of the previous TIMSTOF posts and making some corrections that were due to either my own inexperience, or things that have improved since their initial posts. I've put dates on the posts where edits have been made. 

I've made minor edits to my first impressions post here

100% worth mentioning, AlphaTIMS is software from Matthias Mann's lab that is much faster than Bruker Data Analysis, and has a lot of functionality that you might be looking for. 

Major edits need to go into the "Where did all my scans go" post, as well as a new Python script that accurately calculates how many scans that you will get when setting your target and intensity threshold values (thanks Wiebke!). You can get it from my Github here

I feel like there was another one that could use some work. Maybe I'll find it later! 

To anyone out there who has found issues with anything I've posted here and would like to correct or clarify, please feel free to reach out! My contact info is over there somewhere if you don't have it.  I don't have an abundance of free time, but it is important to me that what is here has at least some semblance of accuracy. 😉

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