Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Single cell chemical proteomics investigates commitment to cell death!


How the actual duck did I miss this until just now?!!?!?  It's really really good and over a year old. If I saw it, I forgot. I was at the beach with my parents the week it came out and my Mom really hasn't recovered from how much my existence cut into her fun in high school. You don't...get...umm... smarter on vacation with my Mom. So maybe I read it and the brain cells didn't survive? I don't know, but it is super weird that I haven't been reading (AND CITING) this! 

I guess it is in Anal Chem and I don't really keep up with that. You never know when it's some dumb thing about silica binding, but I'll add that Zubarev guy to my Google Scholar alerts now. 

The data is all up on PRIDE here. Don't do anything with it until I download it, please. 

Here is why I'm super excited -- we're giving cells drugs that we want to kill them. Every drug I order I hope leaves a smoking crater in the cell culture hood where those cancer cells used to be. And I want to be able to have one of these poor mice eat 14 pounds of it and still have plenty of energy to bite me if I'm stupid enough to open that cage. However, it's hard to study a cell that has burst into flames (or finally given up and committed to programmed cell death or autophagy or kicked on 11 Caspases). 

This single cell chemical proteomics study very cleverly investigates the cells that are committing to death procedures. I can't wait to spend more time on it. 

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