Sunday, March 24, 2019

ABRF San Antonio Day 1-ish- Sporadic, arbitrary recap!

I LOVE ABRF. I was a fan for years and I'm super psyched that I've gotten to participate in some way or another the last few years.

If you're a core director -- or want to be one -- and you aren't at least checking out ABRF resources you are doing yourself and you institution a disservice, yo!  There are literally hundreds of people around the world who have the same job you do and ABRF is how they compare notes, both through the conference and through materials they put online and the projects that the work together (often completely remotely) on. 

P.S. If you were at the last couple of ASMS things in San Antonio -- My gosh -- It's WAY nicer in March. 70F, rather than 120F. 

And Sue Weintraub was here. And if you can't learn something from 10 seconds of talking to Sue that makes you, your research, and your core better -- maybe you should try another career. Your brain is toaster strudel -- time to go be a politician or administrator or something.

Lets be more positive -- ABRF 2019 SAN ANTONIO SPORADIC RECAP! 

Someone honestly tried to trick me into believing talks started at 8am -- on a Sunday. Then at 9:30 when I walked over from my hotel with some other sciency looking people and --

--- 40,000 high school kids -- looking like they're applying for the circus or as stunt doubles for one of those Disney High School Musical things. (There were a LOT of injured dancers...)  Did I fall for the greatest prank in history? Did these flow cytometrists as well? Turns out the convention center is just REALLY big and there is science on the other side. Favorite slide of the day (that wasn't mine)

iPRG 2019 is going to do MetaProteomics.  HEY Protein Informatics People!  They need help!  Details will be posted here when available.

My talks were stupid, Nothing to learn there.

Brett Phinney did a talk and -- despite the fact he doesn't wear shoes -- he says REALLY smart things.

Do y'all know about BaseCamp?  Brett said he couldn't imagine running a core without it -- it appears to be live updates for teams with a nominal cost. You know how you've got the one nocturnal weirdo in your lab who might fix stuff at 4am? He could just update BaseCamp that the weird ionization stability thing is fixed. So when the normal people come in at 4am or whatever the fuck they do -- they'd know that it was done! Smart!!

Brett had some software recommendations that I'm unfamiliar with, but excited to explore -- namely:

DIA-NN (the first N stands for NEURAL and the second one stands for NETWORK)

I learned that vDIA is something that I should be able to set up -- I'm just not smart enough. I'm exploring.

I got to see a talk by Birgit Schilling (which I might have misspelled) -- which is a highlight of any conference -- and hear about some recent work they're doing. Y'all should totally check this out!

How good is the wok in the Schilling lab? I'll stop making fun of SWATH for a day -- for real -- because if you're really really smart about it, you can honestly do science with it.

On that note -- what the heck is a SASP? And why do we need an Atlas? I don't know and neither does Google!

And the web address that Dr. Schilling put on her slides is DEFINITELY NSFW. DO NOT GO THERE. YIKES. I'll post a link if I find one.

Moving on -- have you seen EasyPep? I heard from sources I trust implicitly that we should all check it out.  I heard it compared favorably to S-Trap -- and that is some serious praise. S-trap kicks ass. This requires verification.

Day 2: Do y'all know about Jove? New to me! Its a neat mechanism for publishing protocols with peer-reviewed VIDEOS! I'm excited about it.

Honestly -- I have a cool methods thing written up and I was thinking of having it rejected from Nature Protocols. Honestly -- I may just be realistic and have it rejected from Jove instead!

Okay -- I  have a load more to write -- but also this "job" thing to do. Maybe I'll write more later!

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