Tuesday, October 24, 2023

An (up to date) guide to MALDI imaging for tissues!

If you haven't heard me whine about it, I had a messed up bacterial infection in MY EYES because toddlers are little disease vectors and while my 2 year old recoved in 2 days, I required multiple different antibiotics to get to finally go back to work. F'ING FUN. I'm catching up on almost everything. Only one late peer review and four of our papers revisions to get out before Halloween. 

We get a lot of collaboration offers from people who want to use our awesome TIMSTOF Flex for the imaging things it does and I'm always trying to find ways to deter people from it. There are reasons for MALDI imaging. There really are, but most things are way easier if we cut the tissue, extract the metabolites an then measure them with HPLC. But the pictures....

(I do not know who this is, I just thought this was a funny gif. If this is a terrible person I should know and not post, please let me know) 

The MALDI pictures are super cool, but they can take like 24 hours to analyze like a cross section of a single mouse brain with decent resolution. When extracts from 6 mouse brain regions from 4 mice ran by LCMS can take way less time. When you really truly need that spatial profiling it's great, but most of the time you can do more with something else. 

What I need is a great modern tutorial to hand out to people! I'm sure a decent fraction of people will say "...this m'fer expects ME TO READ...?" and they'll go away, but that's secondary. You get better collaborators when they know what you're doing! 

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