Monday, May 1, 2023

HUPO Single Cell Initiative (low input!) Webinar Tomorrow!


If you're cool I'll probably just agree to do stuff for you without inquiring about any of the details. 

So when one of the best technical mass spectrometrists in the world (Bogdan!) asked me to talk at some thing in May, I just said yes and put on my calendar that I was flying to Boston today. 

No flight for me today! I'm speaking remotely at this thing

1) I have a lot of questions about how Slice-PASEF works. AND now I realize why I've had so many problems finding the preprint. I was spelling it wrong.

2) Wooo! Wide Windows? My kid carries a jackalope with him to preschool whenever he isn't too sick to go. 2 year olds are germ factories of despair. 

3) Meh. I've seen that one.

4) YEAH. If you don't know Claudia she's an absolute force of technical capabilities.

5) I just had to have a single cell poster beside Dr. Parker. People sort of spilled over from hers to talk to me. She's got some stuff in works that should be out any time now that is just ridiculous. 

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