Monday, October 24, 2022

Great review on the application of higher flow rates in proteomics!


This new review is worth referencing if only just for the picture above. I think each vendor has an opinion on what is which different flow type and it feels like the cell phone speed thing. A "5G" one on vendor is just an arbitrary measurement to say it is faster than their last generation, but has no reflection on the speed provided by another vendor.  

I'm just going to just use this figure above from now on. 

Here is the review. It's in something called tAndf. 

Wait. While making the screenshot I clicked on the Listen button and it is reading the review to me! This is super sick. 

Jack  Kyle, if I was in a wheelchair, would you visit me? Feed me? Brush my teeth?

Kyle  Yes.

Jack  Would you read to me?

Kyle Why couldn't you read?

Jack Just don't want to.

(Was gonna put in the link but watched like 3 minutes and remembered that old TV show is not appropriate for younger readers and this is, ultimately, meant to be an ultra family friendly blog.)

As these authors note, the success stories with micro-flow and analytical flow are limited as this point. Clearly, though, nanoflow is one of the remaining technical hurdles for mass spectrometry based proteomics implementation so getting past it could be transformative for the growth of our field. 

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