Friday, August 16, 2024

Multi-omics demonstrates nonlinear dynamics in human aging!


This is new paper in Nature Aging is getting a lot of well-deserved attention

Why? Check out what they did! 

I won't lie and say I can follow these data, but the conclusions they come to seem to be what is grabbing attention. You'd sort of assume that those awful aging things would occur in a linear manner, right? There goes some of that elasticity at 0.004% per day from the time you're 26 till it's mostly gone. What the authors point out is that isn't what is suggested by the epidemiology data - you get to a certain age and - BOOM - chance of stroke doubles. That sort of thing. And when they at multiomics they seem to see large molecular changes happening at certain points. Interesting, a little depressing, but overall impressive to see anyone make sense of this much variable human data. Hopefully just a taste of what every human study will look like soon! 

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