Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Save the date! ABRF 2025 - Las Vegas March 23-26!


Today we'll talk about why you have the coolest person in your field head your academic associations. 

I'm of course talking about -- 

THE Dr. Sue Weintraub  -who may have had nothing at all to do with the fact that the Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities is meeting in 2025 in Las Vegas, but I'm going to pretend that I have inside knowledge that it was entirely her idea. 

Thanks Sue! You can find out more and register here! 

I haven't been to an ABRF meeting in a few years. I did a talk on single cell proteomics in 2022, maybe, because I haven't been in a core facility in a few years. I'm a huge fan of the organization and the conference. 

If you are an early career researcher (ECR) and you are working on building up your credibility and exposure ABRF can be an amazing thing to be part of. Look, we already know who is going to be headlining ASMS next year, right? Same dudes that founded the whole thing in the 1960s. ABRF heavily promotes ECRs because it is great for everyone. Core labs sometimes don't get to do a lot of method development because they're too busy applying established methods for the hundreds of customers necessary to keep their lights on. You come in from you academic lab with the techniques you developed and you can get a chance to present those new methods to the lab pros who may have a very different angle than you've considered. Someone with 20 years of applying proteomics techniques can be an unbelievable untapped resource for new insights and ABRF is where you get to hang out with them.

I've never gambled in my life but I've gotten to climb in the Red Rock Canyon just outside of Vegas.... that might still be my profile picture for this blog.....

Obviously you go for the science, but it never hurts when there is fun stuff to do before it starts or a day or two after all the science has wrapped up.

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