Monday, June 26, 2023

Improve your DIA-NN quan and annoy the physics people with QuantUMs!


We can all detect thousands and thousands of proteins in really short periods of time! What do we need next? Quan that is way better than O-link and SomaScan? Well, we already have that. But we should really make sure that we don't have some low abundance stuff getting quan that is at the same level as those technologies.

AND if we can get on the nerves of people in other fields -- that's just a bonus, right? 

Introducing QuantUMs! New smart stuff from the DIA-NN people that you can't yet download, but they're working on it. EDIT: Apparently I can't read, you can download a functional copy following a link in the preprint. Not sure how where I got mixed up. 

What's it do?  Wait. I can just cut the cool part and that will definitely reduce the typos in this post! 

Makes sense, right? 

There is some extra gold in this study as well! There are some pull-down options in DIA-NN over here 

And, no, I didn't know what the quan strategy stuff did until this preprint and now I might! 


1 comment:

  1. I think you are showing an old version of the GUI :) In v1.8.2 beta 22, you'll see direct (legacy), Composite (high precision) and Composite (high accuracy) which is what is referred to in the preprint.

    For the gui you show, robust vs any lc specifies whether you consistently select 4 points only for integration (default true), and high accuracy vs high precision is whether (or not) you remove interfering signal in quant.

    If Vadim reads this, I'd hope he can re-integrate the various options in the gui cap Ben shared. I'd be more okay with 6 options than 3 with one of the options being somewhat ambiguous (not straightforward to remove the --no-ifs-removal and --peak-center flags if by default setting to robust LC, high precision).
