Sunday, November 8, 2020

Stressed out about finding NanoLC columns in the fall of 2020?!? Here are some vendors!


Need something new to be concerned about? My Inbox is a random-ish sampling of what is going on in the world, and why is everyone worried about NanoLC columns?!?!

First of all, it turns out that New Objective has been making a lot of things and it seems like a lot of companies just buy their stuff, rebadge it and crank the price up. 

New Objective got hit hard by COVID-19. However, the best I can tell, they are still operational, but they are at a reduced capacity. Now -- it does seem like someone hacked their front page. Don't panic. Somewhere you've got their phone number. Give them a ring, but don't get too stressed unless you need something weird. GOOD LUCK GETTING OPERATIONAL (and write me if I can help at all, for real, I owe NO bigtime for helping me over the years. Unfortunately, I'm not worth much more than a hype man right now, we're doing big stuff in Baltimore! but if you're just looking for some Magnitude, I got you). 

There are other options out there. 

One, I guess if you've got full field vision because you didn't jab a screwdriver through your eyeball this summer, you could pack and pull your own columns. 

The amazing UWPR site has you covered for instructions. 

CHECK THIS OUT. (Direct link to the PDF

If you can't see well enough to do this, please keep in mind that there are other vendors out there. You could pay a 2.6x markup at Fitcher Scientific, but check this out. 

Ever heard of Me neither! But their prices are on point!

John Nouveau (sp?) appears to have called it quits at Harvard....

( the wrong gif...but it's too funny to delete now....)

and is more than just background ion reduction! They've got loads of NanoLC and CapLC solutions (and cool column bombs if both your eyes work.)

In this hunt, I was hoping to run into a group in SoCal that I'd gotten super long (100cm-200cm) nanoLC columns from in the past for very little, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. If you go back through the history of this blog, you'll see that I was a big fan of ProteomicsPlus here in the DC area, but they closed up shop a while back.

We'll get through this! If you know of some other vendors, Tweet me (or something) and I'll add it to the list! 


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  4. Hey Ben I have not received IntegraFrit column order from February and NewObjective does not reply to e-mails or phone calls. I gave up and am now trying ESI solutions and CoAnn Technologies for emitters and fritted capillaries. In the meantime I am making my own frits.

  5. Hey Ben;

    I just received emitter tips ordered a week ago from CoAnn Technologies
