Useful stuff!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

InDigestion --> Find tryptic peptides from UniProt on your iPhone thing!

I was scrolling through PastelBio's enormous list of proteomics tools and databases and -- since I just switched back to Apple's yay $1 TRILLION dollars? Maybe there's finally a little bit left to improve the quality of life of the people who make the  shiny friendly phone interface -- there is a new tool I can try!

InDigestion is a fun little app that can give you instant access to UniProt and peptides from proteins there!  It's listed under "commercial" so my guess is they charge something for it, but I don't know what.

I'll try it as soon as I remember what the password is for this bright shiny stupid little thing!  Why does it need so many passwords?!? Why did it fingerprint me?!?!?!?

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