Useful stuff!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Identification of glioblastoma tumor antigens IN PLASMA!

I've gotta move fast today, so I'm going to just leave this here. If you're looking at MHC/HLA petpidomics stuff -- this new study is an understated gold mine. 

This phenomenal amount of work was done on a Q Exactive Plus using 150 minute gradients. If you are doing this stuff, I'd suggest paying particular attention to the LC separation and the MaxQuant data processing parameters. I'm not 100% sold on the 95% confidence logic, but they make a solid argument.

This is still in press at MCP, so PRIDE/ProteomeXchange hasn't released the data yet. I did bug the corresponding author, extremely out of normal working hours on a weekend to see if they could release it early so I stare at all of it. He said it will go live next week! (Thank you!)  When it does it can be found here!

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