Friday, March 6, 2020

US HUPO Cancelled by some stupid virus thing.

As you might have heard, the awesome US HUPO meeting has been cancelled due to a stupid virus or something. Some people are starting to make what they wanted to present there available.

If you'd like me to help you get your poster or links out, I'm happy to point people to them.

I assume some legit people are thinking about doing stuff.

To legit US HUPO people: If this dumb blog can be an asset in any way, hit me up ( I'll be happy to post whatever helps here. If you get organized with a big virtual US HUPO 2020. I'll make a big button that says GO TO VIRTUAL US HUPO HERE.

Here are a few of the things that have been posted that I have ran into so far.  As always -- please see my disclaimers stuff over there. ---->

[Just in case: If this is vendor stuff I just post it here because I think it's cool. I never get money or favors or anything for anything posted here, and I'm a jerk to anyone who asks, and can provide references to support this. (Obvious exceptions are in the past when I worked for some companies and when I've selfishly posted stuff my team is working on, which I always feel sorta gross about.)]


Biomarkers study from the Goodlett Lab

Great poster on Percolator advances from Will Fondrie and Bill Noble

Multiple posters are available from Biognosys and their collaborators (abstracts up, you'll need to request copies)

Live Talks

PreOn (a proteomics processing robot from PreOmics) will be airing their planned talk live.

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