Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Quantify 102 proteomics samples per LCMS run!! TAG-IBT16!



Okay, so I'm under a tight deadline right now so short posts, if any, but mutliplexing 102 samples at once is worth taking a quick look at! 

Obviously, you need an ultra high resolution instrument for this, and they appear to have used MS3 - so an Orbitrap "Tribrid" or similar.

Interestingly they processed the data in Proteome Discoverer 1.4, which I honestly don't thing I even have a copy of anymore. I suspect that was because you could fully alter your multiplex processing method so they could build a 102 plex data interpretation method.

I suspect there are downsides here....but......I sure could come up with something this morning I could use a higher multiplex capability for.

Actually - I'll tell you about it. In our TIMSTOF based multiplex single cell proteomics we can multiplex 7 single cells. I use 1 blank, 1 carrier and then we skip the channels between the carrier, so 127n, 128c, 129n, 130c, 131n, 132c, and 133n are used for single cells.

We have an 8 condition experiment in works. So........we either randomize our 8 conditions across 7 lanes and then deconvolute that mess later? Ignore the fact that the PI has career altering dysgraphia/ dyslexia and that still sucks. Add in that latter fact and that sounds like either the PI never once touches anything or Colten spends 3 weeks of extremely long days setting up a huge SCP study on material that has taken him literal years to develop and he walks away with nothing, right? So we're only going to use 4 channels in each plex. Label free would almost be easier but we need an accurate and generally unbiased distribution of the cells present to pull off this from a biological level so 4x faster is still better than nothing. 

I'd take ONE additional channel here. 92 more? 

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