Useful stuff!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Proteomics Data Mining Challenge (#ALSMinePTMs) Data Coming in!

Good morning/afternoon/something crazy world out there!

Tons of data is coming in for the 2020 Proteomics Data Mining Challenge, as well as questions/clarifications (RIP my Inbox)....

If you've been expecting an email from me, it might possibly be in the 4...2...8...?...drafts...?

I'll investigate that...later....or just delete them. That seems unconquerable.

Just a reminder that I am not a judge, so if you attempt something like the submission at the very top -- I'll 100% appreciate it, but it won't help you out. I'm just the hype and disorganization guy.

This is a lot of data and if you're running a little behind, just let us know. I'll try to get to the questions that have come in today (...sorry...)

We're getting data via WeTransfer, DropBox, BOX, GoogleDrive, and something that started with a V or a Z? Meh. Seems to have worked, as well as data in CSV form that has been small enough to email.

WOOO!! Let's go!

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