Sunday, February 2, 2025

The easiest method you've ever seen for profiling a large number of kinases fast!


The last time I was part of a study where we needed to understand what a bunch of kinases were doing, we sent samples out to 2 different labs. Some were measured fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACs) while the rest were ran by a group who had validated immunoprecipitation based QQQ assays. 

Now, in my defense, we couldn't go into the lab for a few months due to a serious flood that led to both mold and asbestos problems because....well... you don't go to Johns Hopkins because of the nice modern clean safe facilities.... But I didn't mind getting out of building all those targets myself. 

This group quantified 380 in the most streamlined procedure I've ever seen, and they get around a lot of up front development by using DIA (on an Exploris)! 

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