Thursday, February 27, 2025

FFPE vs Fresh frozen tissues - very few differences?!?!?


I'll probably eventually convert my pile of notes from #USHUPO2025 into ...something.... but I need to knock out some papers that you should read (and leave them on this site so I can find them later) 

Let's start with this "WAIT. THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE, BUT IT'S AMAZING!" study

This little team answered a question that I'd assumed I wouldn't want to know the answer to - FFPE vs frozen tissues - obviously there are nasty differences that will make everything impossible to compare, right?

They did a crapload of samples for whole proteome and phosph-proteome at depth and found that - actually, the proteome seems shockingly well preserved in both cases. Fresh frozen tissues have some advantages in phosphosite IDs, but I'm shocked by how similar the results are. I have honestly always figured that FFPE would be something you'd do because it's just simply easier and way cheaper to store these samples. But if there is truly limited loss in proteome integrity at scale? Priceless. 

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