Useful stuff!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Guest bloggers needed for ASMS and SCP!

Ugh. Okay. I'm going to miss both ASMS and SCP2024 this year. Blech blech puke. 

This works once in a while, but it's super cool when it does. 

Are you going to one or more of these conferences? Would you like to provide guest blogging skills? 

Here is one that totally worked from a few years ago! Others have as well. 

What I'd need from you is just some notes. It can be as thorough or not as makes you happy. 

And zero judgement if you provide really great notes on day 1 and then I just see pictures of you on the socials having a blast and I never hear from you again. It totally happens. Taking notes while people talk is how I absorb information, even when I haven't had very much sleep. I know that's not how everyone's brains work. 

If you are interested (sometimes people have guest blogged here as teams as well) please reach out: 

LCMS (remove the space) 

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