Useful stuff!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Got last generation's instruments? Here's how you optimize them for ultra-low concentration samples!


There it is! It was ASAP when I read it on my phone the other day and it moved to this month's issue. 

I might be getting old because the HF-X and Lumos both seem pretty recent to me, but in a review we're putting together we refer to them as "previous generation instruments" and that does appear to be the case.

So...what if that's what you have and someone wants you to run 1 nanogram of peptides or less? Do you want an okay number of peptides and proteins? Or would you rather have 15-fold MORE? Probably the latter, but you do you, yo. 

The reason I took screenshots of the paper with my phone, however, was where and how the peptide "supercharging agents" (as you'll see them referred to in some other studies). DMSO and NBA are employed here to improve reproducibility. I'm pressed for time, but if you're interested in low concentration sample optimization there are a lot of gems in this study. 

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