Useful stuff!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Get your patch clamp AND proteomic data from each single neuron!


Say what you want about people who do patch clamp experiments, but those people have been sticking things into single cells for a long long time to get data. I've never done it, I've just never liked a person I met who did, but I think you basically just get stimulus + voltage measurements. painstakingly derived a cell type and stuck a that cell... and you get one (1) measurement? 

Sure would be cool if you could get that and then use the fact you've got a cell fixed to do something else with it, right?? What about also getting proteomics on it

What they do is the whatever it is patch clamp thing. And they do it with 140 single cells. In the methods it appears that 108 actually made through. The cells that are just sucked up into the patch thingamajig is then just dumped into some trypsin at 60C and then analyzed label free.

Interesting (to me) a 100um ID column was used. With a lot of the field going to lower bore columns which are increasingly difficult to work with (50 um? y'all crazy. 20um? Imma pretend that doesn't exist). Label free single cell on a 100um column? Sign me up. 

Instrument is Fusion (3? Eclipse? Pretty sure, but you might check that) with 120k MS1 and 60k MS/MS HCD fragmentation.  MaxQuant was used for analysis. Very very approachable label free method, in my opinion, and over 2,200 proteins were quantified in these 100+ cells.

MORE IMPORTANTLY! These are IPSCs (miscapitalized something) and they derived these end cells from stem cells to have different phenotypes - and they get an impressive recovery of proteins and pathways that make sense in a AD model. Super solid study. Is it worth making friends with someone who patch clamps? I'll let you be the judge of that (no), but you could get a whole lot more data out of each cell. 

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