Monday, April 13, 2020

Reminder of #ALSMinePTM Challenge -- and some wiggle room on data submission!

To the amazing people who have signed up for the largest proteomic informatic challenge in the history of the universe -- THANK YOU!

Also -- just a reminder that we were targeting this week for data submissions.

However -- if you've found your life a little bit offset by some virus thing, we think it's fair to move back the due date.

We'll have a portal or something set up soon(?) to start submitting data this week, but we'll continue to accept submissions for the next 2 weeks.

If you're just now hearing about the biggest proteomics informatics challenge in history and want to join in -- there's no better time than right now.

You can find the official site here.

I have something permanently stuck to the front page of this blog over there --> somewhere.

And I have an informal description of what we're doing and why this matters (beyond showing off how good your progam is or what a wizard you are at processing data) here!

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