Where was this when I was stinking up the NIH submission system with my crappy grant applications?
You want a 110 pt font axis? You get a 100 pt font axis!
And I'm not messing around guys. This isn't easy for someone who knows off the top of their head what version of R is on their computer. I'm not talking easy for someone who knows the difference between a .txt and a .tsv and a .csv that only opens right in Notepad++, not NotePad+ or NotePad-
I want to take the vomit inducing plots from SpectroNaut and make a plot that is not vomit inducing?
I go here.
I put in a .csv that contains my protein, my fold change and my p-value and -BOOOM volcano plot!
Is it going to impress your bioinformatics friend carries a shoebox of hard drives with them wherever they go? No. Because he/she/they can make a volcano plot some other magical way that I can not.
Did I make the nicest proteomics volcano plot I've ever made in my life in about 90 seconds? HELL yeah I did and then I cranked the fonts up to 110 and turned off the legends and swapped the colors around. I DID THIS WITHOUT LEARNING ANYTHING. AT ALL. 100.00% of my brain was focused on a ridiculously good bibimbap.
For real, it's like they took everything I need to make plots and simplified it down to just those things. It's like what the Red Elephant did for manual peptide sequencing. Or simplifying Prosit down to actually what I need from Prosit the way EL FRAGMENTADOR does.
I've been paying for and using GraphPad for 5 years and I can't make something in it that isn't hideous without 4 hours of work. It's eventually okay, but - man does it start out dumb every time you put data in it. EasyPubPlot just makes nice plots!
It does more stuff than Volcano, too! This is just what I'm most excited about.
The heatmap feature is nice, but if you need a heatmap the Broad's Morpheus toolkit is probably a little nicer and it has embedded statistics. But if you just want to make a nice publication ready bubble plot or box plot - the tutorials are ON POINT.
Is there a problem?
The pub is short for "publish" but could you make a publication ready volcano plot at a pub? There is only one way to find out, probably.
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