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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Single Cell Proteomics made Gen News!

I know proteomics people are probably tired of hearing about single cell proteomics from every angle, but the rest of the world can't seem to get enough of it! 

More proof? Check out this brand new article in Genetic Engineering News

It's a surprisingly well-balanced analysis of where we are from a technology stand point. Of course, the absurd numbers Karl's group has been showing off makes the article, and you can't write an article on SCP without Slavov lab. Our field's favorite picoliter robotics systems are highlighted as well as my group's early results on the ZenoTOF and TIMSTOF Flex! Perhaps the 7am seminar isn't the best place to get a sound bite from me about the difficulties in making nanoflow chromatography accessible to non-mass spec nerds, but sometimes you need some emotion in your words? 

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