Monday, February 24, 2020

Single Cell Proteogenomics -- Immediate Link drop!

Dropping this link here so I remember to read this! 

The questions are coming since single cell transcriptomics and proteomics seem so complementary. I put in a proposal last year with a government agency to put some resources toward sorting it out.

The response was something like (I'm obviously paraphrasing) "Holy cow. Are you crazy? We have no idea how to deal with all this single cell genomics data and EVERYONE is doing it. We have to devote resources to this mess first!!"

That was less like paraphrasing and more like me exaggerating a lot, but I do like when we can see behind the genomics curtain and see that it isn't nearly as tidy back there as we've been led to believe. Unfortunately, that curtain is made of an increasingly thick layer of cash, so it is increasingly more difficult to move it out of the way.

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