Saturday, April 12, 2014

Deplete plasma? New info enters the fray.

To deplete or not to deplete -- part 2

In another of my favorite proteomics controversies, a new depletion technique takes a swing at whether depleting plasma is a good idea or not.

In this study, Seong-Beom Ahn and Alamgir Khan look at the impact depleting plasma has on cytokine recovery.  Since cytokines are generally pretty low abundance, it makes for a decent metric.  The depletion they use is an immuno-based one using magnetic beads.

Unlike other methods, this pull down approach showed either no impact or improved recovery of the cytokines.  Definitely worth checking out!

This is what you get if you Google "pug hamlet"

1 comment:

  1. ### "Unlike other methods, this pull down approach showed either no impact or improved recovery of the cytokines."

    Actually, the study concluded quite the OPPOSITE: "Overall [high abundance proteins] HAP depletion was counter-productive for the detection of 24 [cytokines, chemokines and growth factors] CCGFs primarily due to post-depletion precipitation of proteins and/or re-suspension of pellets, and also for non-specific removals of CCGFs."

    The reason for this is due to the propensity of albumin among others to bind cytokines unspecifically, as explained in the paper:
    "However, in our study, a significant number of non-targeted CCGFs were detected in [bound-protein fraction] BP suggesting many CCGFs were depleted along with HAPs, a finding supported by other reports [19], [22] and [23]."

    Hope this helps.
