Useful stuff!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The current status of the NCI Proteomic Data Commons - it'll get there!


The National Cancer Institute Proteomic Data Commons is such a big big big idea. And it is dealing with super important human samples in formats that are generally evolving. I honestly can't imagine what a hassle it is to pull something like that together - but they've got one heck of a team working on it.

You can read about the current status of things and where it's going here

If you just want to dig around and try to look for things you can check out the portal here

If you're used to other big endeavors like the Human Protein Atlas or ProteomicsDB you might find yourself wondering - did US Government employees design one of these things and ...not.... the others? Well.....maybe....why would you ask that.....?......but again, that's an absolute shitload of data and it's tough to make it organized. Again - super cool plan - and when they inevitably get it all working please check the date on this post before you leave a comment "what is this weirdo talking about - it's awesome!" Or do leave the comment so I can check back. 

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