Useful stuff!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

MonoMS1 - Can you just identify peptides from predicted precursor/RT and ion mobility alone?

Didn't I just post an MS1 only based prediction paper? I sure did, but here is another! 

Have you ever just thought we're doing a little too much stuff? How many degrees of certainty do you need that the peptide you're interested in is the one you're looking at.

MonoMS1 takes a step back and asks this question: If I have

Solid chromatography

High resolution ion mobility

And a high resolution precursor

Do I need everything else? Can I just predict where my peptide is going to elute, how many charges it will pick up and what the isotopic envelope - and here is the twist - predict a solid 1/k0 value, can I do proteomics?

What paper? Oh yeah - this one - 

They model on HeLa peptides on a TIMSTOF Pro then they move up from an E.coli digest to increasingly complex samples - next serum - and then to single cells (by a reanalysis of this TIMSTOF SCP based paper). Someone has a big hard drive! It's a zipped terabyte of data! 

In the final case the improvements are really interesting (from figure 4C). The MS2 identifications and MS1 predictions don't always agree, but the information they pull out appears complementary in downstream analysis

For fields looking at a whole lot more precursors than fragmentation events (still!) deep learning precursors might be a solid avenue to figuring out what some of this stuff actually is. 

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