Useful stuff!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Moving this blog to blogger/blogspot

After seeing how much simpler the Google-owned blogger/blogspot service is for posting and linking items, I have decided to move this blog from its old location to this new address.  News in Proteomics Research is now here, at :  I've copied the original site and pulled it off line completely.
I'll go back through the last 2 years of old entries and start copying over anything that got a lot of views or comments, as well as my favorite posts.  It make take me some time, as I've noticed that a few of the older links no longer work.  I'll update links, and maybe some of the images (because it is much easier to do it here!)
If there was an article or post that you would like me to move to the front of the queue, drop me an email at: and I'll move it over here immediately.  Otherwise, the reappearance of articles will be pretty random.

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