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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Handbook of Basic Mass Spectrometry

My first full-length book is out.  The handbook of basic mass spectrometry is my attempt to simplify this field down to what biologists and medical technologists need to know.  You don't need a physics degree to do a mass spec experiment and you shouldn't need one to understand the machine you are using.  I hope that this helps make the field of mass spectrometry a little less daunting to potential practitioners out there.


  1. Replies
    1. Not for the foreseeable future! I worked on a second edition a few years ago, but the field is moving so darned fast it felt outdated by the time I had something editable...

  2. Hi Ben,
    Have you checked recently amazon?
    there is one available:
    1 Used from $1,872.21
