Sunday, June 2, 2024

ASMS Big Hardware Release 1! The Return...of the linear...ion...trap...?


Cleverly timed preprint drop #1!? 

Man, I swear some people know the right person at CSHL to slip cash to or something to time these papers. When I send a preprint it cold me out in 15 minutes or 2 weeks....or....rejected like my most recent one that was just accepted by really good journal. You can't appeal a Biorxiv rejection, btw. What was I....

Oh yeah! 

I'm not in Anaheim but I'm spying on the socials and this looks like it's the big mystery box from Thermo! 

Yo. Is that a Q Exactive but they put a linear ion trap where the Orbi ought to be? 

Sure looks like it! 

According to this guy, however, it's a little more sophisticated than the Q Exactive and it's basically the high end TSQ Altis + and then a super high speed linear ion trap! 

How fast? Preprint suggests 100 Hz! And with a good quad? I'm not awake enough to read the whole preprint, though. 

And for anyone thinking ...wait a minute...I've seen a Triple quad with a trap at the end of it before..... I started my career on a 3200 QTRAP and it was great. 800 PPM mass accuracy but I was doing glycans and they all have the same mass anyway. Who cares if you can't tell a glutamine from a glutamate or whatever? 

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