Monday, April 12, 2021

Were you dying to know about the VAMPIRE BAT serum proteome?!?

You know, prior to this recent little thing that happened with a bat virus  I might have cast this paper in a different and less serious light. However, it seems like we should probably know everything we can possible know about anything. 

Therefore, I present a no-nonsense blog post about this great new study

The study focuses on vampire bats in Belize and samples come in as part of a longitudinal study. Rabies is involved and so is livestock due to agricultural alterations of bat habitats. Yikes. See. Totally serious stuff. 

All LCMS is performed on an Orbitrap Fusion 2 "Lumos" using DIA. As you might imagine the vampire bat FASTAs may not be as well developed and annotated as some other organisms, so the informatics section...

...better just skip that part. 

Do you want to know if they found high quality MS/MS matches to peptides that match the middle eastern coronavirus? Or should I ...lay this one to rest... already? 

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