Friday, April 9, 2021

Did they use MaxQuant.Live targeting in reverse to boost Ub and SUMO coverage?!?

 I'm mostly sure I understand what is going on here? Maybe? 

What I think is going on is that I just didn't realize that the super powerful MaxQuant.Live targeting function could be used for ultrasmart exclusion as well. And if that is what is going on 1) I feel kind of dumb for not realizing that was possible -- I could totally use this! and 2) you can use it to dig deeper into your data and find the really annoying PTMs like SUMOylation! 

Okay...but I have the interface (Beta 2.0! With Exploris support, which clearly couldn't be used to get into any other instruments with the same handy universal interface --

And I'm not sure that I could reproduce this on our instruments without...sigh...reading more... 

This post appears to have a theme now. I'm not sure why.

If you are also stymied by a number of options that seem too challenging for you to get away with just tryng them all to see if they work, I bet the secrets are in one of these places.

The MaxQuant.Live documentation pages? Oh. Maybe I found it here. Not 100%, but it narrowed it down. 

The google group page?  It's here somewhere! 


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