Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Proteomics of healthy aging in humans!

One of the gems of Baltimore is the National Institute on Aging. They do all sorts of cool stuff over there, but the one that I always think of first is the Baltimore Longitudinal Study (BLSA), which has been running since the 1950s!  The goal is to establish some understanding of what healthy aging and what is not....

I expect this new study is just the beginning of the cool stuff since they have started pushing proteomics over there again!

In this study they don't use LC-MS, instead opting for the SomaScan thing (which is up to 1,300 targets, now? That's a big bump since the last time I'd heard anything from it!)

I like this study because it shows that we don't always have to push for the highest number of targets to draw conclusions. Maybe there is just as much to learn if you use the same amount of time to run more samples and allow the use of better  statistics!

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